Thursday, August 18, 2011

Invitations For the Bachelorette Party

When tasked with planning a bachelorette party, invitations are usually a must if there are going to be more than a few people attending.  Invitations requesting an RSVP can ensure that the planner knows how many people are attending and can plan accordingly. 


Most bachelorette parties are held a week or two in advance of the wedding.  Planning the bachelorette party the night before the wedding has often been the tradition, but it is better to have it at least a few days beforehand.  This gives everyone a chance to be refreshed for the wedding.  Be sure to check with the bride-to-be before actually scheduling the exact date and time of the party.  Because she may still be making preparations for the wedding, the party should be held on a day that is convenient for her.


Once the date is set, a list of attendees should be made.  Knowing who will or won't be attending may help the planner decide on the theme of the party.  The theme can be outrageously wild to totally calm, but it should be something that most, if not all of the attendees, would feel comfortable doing.  The bride-to-be should have a clear idea of all the family and friends she wants to invite.  While in the past, it has been tradition that only women be invited to the bachelorette party, nowadays, close male friends may want to be included as well.  Be sure to make a list not only of names, but also addresses for the invitations. 

The party invitation itself can range from something informal, such as a handwritten note, to invitations printed from a computer to professionally made invitations.  Some may even choose to use an online form of communications, such as an Evite invitation.  Regardless of what type of invitation is used, it should include the date of the party, time, location, and theme (if there is one).  The invitation should also indicate if the attendee is responsible for paying for anything, such as a spa treatment or part of the cost for the party, or bringing anything, such as good.  The invitation should include the planner's name and contact phone number or email address for RSVPs.

The planner should send the invitations out about a month before the party to give attendees enough time to check their calendars and respond.  This also gives the planner plenty of time to prepare anything needed for the party such as food, reservations, transportation, etc.  If there are a few stragglers that haven't RSVPed in a timely manner, it is perfectly fine to call to see if they plan to attend.  This is better than being surprised by more guests than that planner thought was coming.  Also, it may be possible the invitation got delayed or lost in the mail, so calling prevents anyone from feeling like they weren't invited.

Bachelorette party invitations are a great way for the planner to organize the bride-to-be's party by ensuring that she knows how many people will be attending.

Invitations For the Bachelorette Party

For more information on Bachelorette Parties and Invitations you can visit her website.



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