Do you think you have to spend a lot of money in order for your party to be successful? You can stay within a budget and still create a wonderful time for yourself and everyone at your party. Here are some helpful ideas for a successful and budget oriented party.
I found that my most successful parties were planned and not necessarily expensive. Most parties need thought and attention to the details to create a fun experience for everyone that is coming. What do you need to plan?
What's the Occasion?
If there is a special occasion that you are celebrating, then you already have the theme of your party. If you just want to bring friends and family together, then create a theme for your party. Be creative or loving...a "just because I think you are all so special" theme. Whatever your theme, include it throughout all of your planning.
What's the Budget?
Create a budget and stick to it. Be specific about the amount you can spend on food, decoration and drinks.
-If you want to minimize the food costs, have a gathering at a time of the day when people have already eaten, such as mid afternoon and you will only need to provide snacks. How about an appetizer or dessert party? These ideas keep your food requirements to a minimum.
-Plan on making most of the food yourself to keep the costs down. You can also elicit the help of people coming to the party by asking each person to contribute a dish. Potluck gatherings are festive and fun.
-Send your invitations via email. There is a great website,, where you can create an online invite and email everyone on your list. This service is "free"...a great word.
-Include the costs of the paper products, decorations, and drinks. Don't spend lots of money on decorating...candles, music and balloons add a festive flavor to your home without breaking the bank.
What Has to Be Done?
Create Your "To Do" List
What does your "to do" list look like? Include everything you have to do as soon as you decide to have a party. The list includes sending out the invitations, menu planning, shopping, cooking, cleaning, setting up and cleaning up, and possibly planning fun activities.
Create Your Party Day TimeLine
Create a timeline of what needs to be done on the day of your party...from setup to clean up after the party, and everything in the middle. Did you ever forget to do something you planned or leave a favorite dish in the refrigerator? I know that I have!
The timeline of your party day includes everything you have to do: decorate, candles, pick up balloons, set table, and every item that has to be cooked and when. Be specific with your time...when are you going to do it and how long will it take. I know this sounds like a lot of effort, but the effort you put in planning will make sure you don't forget something, know when you need helping hands, and decrease the stress around organizing the success of your party.
Helpful Hands
Ask your family or friends to help. Is someone great at cooking desserts or maybe a friend has a wonderful music collection that would be perfect for your party? Think in terms of your resources. Most people are happy to participate in the celebration if asked. What do you need extra hands for? Go through your "To Do" party list and add your resources against some of the activities on that list.
What is Most Important?
To have fun! With some new ideas and careful planning and organization, you can stay within your budget yet create a space for everyone to enjoy themselves and others. Good party memories are in the details.
Copyright (c) 2007 Pat Brill
How to Have a Successful Party and Stay Within a Budget
Pat Brill is co-author of "Essentials for Starting a Womens's Group" and co-owner of Women's Group Busy Bites - - a blog all about women. You can reach her at
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