In this digital world, anyone with a computer, an email address, or a friend has surely received an "e-vite," the email version of an invitation. These are fun and certainly have their place in the modern world, but are not suitable for every occasion. Here are some tips to help you choose which invitation, e-vite or paper, works best for your event.
The electronic invitation is great for casual gatherings and for occasions with a short lead time. Super Bowl parties, pool parties, or a girls' night out would certainly fall into this category. Also, get-togethers where the purpose is to view items for sale like jewelry or kitchen products certainly make good use of the e-vite. With an e-vite it is easy to keep track of who can make it to your event and who can't. But you'll need to send a reminder a couple days prior as there isn't a hard copy for your guest to stick to their refrigerator.
A more formal occasion calls for a paper invitation. Whether it is a wedding, anniversary, or baby shower, sending a paper invitation implies the event is special. The printed invitation provides a tangible reminder to the guest of the celebration's date and time. Printed invitations are frequently added to scrapbooks, along with pictures of the event, as keepsakes.
Once you decide that a printed invitation is what you want to use for your special occasion, choosing the right paper is easy. There are countless colorful and casual styles of printable invitations available to celebrate any occasion. Most allow you to complete the invitation on your laser or inkjet printer, saving on professional printing costs while still maintaining a professional appearance.
So, there you have it, a quick overview of when to send the e-vite and when to send a paper invitation. When it's all about fun, send the e-vite. But for a lasting impression, send paper. Each has its place in our fast paced society.
E-Vites Vs. Paper Invitations - Tips on How to Choose
John Oberhauser, manager of the Image Shop in Southern California, can answer all your questions about invitation paper, letterhead stationery, and stationery sets. Since 1984, he has supplied designers, with stationary sets, blank wedding invitations, and kid's birthday invitations. Image Shop brings the best selection of products to you.
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